Please contact Symantec support for assistance. In addition, it's important to restore the KMS keys. Restoration of the Symantec Management Platform requires that you follow the proper restore procedure for your version including restoration of cryptographic keys. Restoration of Symantec Management Platform The Mobile Management Server's registry.Special configurations should be documented. To backup IIS, you can run the following command: %windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add backup "My Backup Name". On the Mobile Management Server, all contents and subfolders of C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Mobile Management.On the Symantec Management Platform server, back up all contents and subfolders of C:\Program Files\Altiris.The Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) certificate.All signing and encryption certificates used in the Mobile Management solution.All Mobile Management Server and reverse proxy SSL certificates.
#Ark server manager restore backup full
If your backup / recovery solution does not backup full server disk contents, you should backup the following items on your Mobile Management Server: If your backup / recovery solution can backup full server disk volume contents, you should backup all disk volumes of your Mobile Management Server. For advice and additional details please see Disaster Recovery Advice for Symantec Mobile Security 7.2 and Symantec Mobile Management 7.2. This article assumes are you performing backup activities on the Symantec Management Platform (SMP) server (formerly known as Altiris Notification Server or NS), and its associated database, cryptographic keys, registry, and files. MMS denotes Mobile Management Server and SMP denotes the Symantec Management Platform server. This document will refer to MMS and SMP acronyms. It also assumes you run regular backup and recovery drills, validating your organization's business continuity and disaster recovery procedures. This includes, but is not limited to, backup of Active Directory, DNS, Certificate Authority, reverse proxy hosts, Exchange, and SQL servers. It assumes you have implemented regular backup processes on other vital parts of your organizations infrastructure. Each customer environment can potentially be configured differently, thus altering the validity of these instructions. Symantec is not responsible for loss or damage in any part due to these guidelines. Important note: These instructions are provided "as is" and as general guidelines for backup and recovery of a Mobile Management server.